Björg Magnúsdóttir

Björg Magnúsdóttir is a radio and a TV host for RÚV, the National Broadcaster in Iceland as well as a writer. She started her carrier in her twenties as a journalist. She has a B.A. degree in Political Science and an M.A. degree in Cultural Communication. Björg has written two novels, published both in Iceland and Germany who follow four women in Reykjavík and their lives. Last years she has hosted the Icelandic pre-Eurovision Song Contest as well as a show about the Icelandic language and also has a weekly radio show on Saturdays. Björg has been a scriptwriter for Sagafilm for few years, her first co-written TV show The Minister will air autumn 2020 and has already been sold to various countries around the world. She is currently writing her second TV show, Sisterhood who is due for production in 2020.
