Ásthildur Úa is an Icelandic actress. She graduated with a Bachelor´s degree in acting from The Icelandic Academy of the Arts in 2019. Before that she participated in various drama- and performance projects and worked in commercials. Among the projects she was a part of the theater group KONUBÖRNwho set up the show KONUBÖRN in the theatre Gaflaraleikhúsið in 2015.
Ásthildur was also a member of the rap group REYKJAVÍKURDÆTUR or DAUGHTERS OF REYKJAVÍK, from the start of the group in 2013 until 2018. She has performed with them all over the world in various music festivals. During her study in IAA she hosted the graduation from the school for the year ahead of her, she has also hosted on the Icalandic National Day in various towns.
After graduation from IAA she made an appearance in the TV series Eurógarðurinn, Venjulegt fólk and Meikar ekki sens.