Gudmundur Thorvaldsson

Gudmundur Thorvaldsson has about 50 roles in films and TV to his name. His most recent one was Marcellus,  King Herod’s (Anthony Hopkins) right hand man in  the Motion Picture Mary, directed by DJ Caruso. He played Sigurd Styrbjornsson in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, and Fargrim in Hellblade II (both Mocap). He has over 40 roles as an actor and over 20 performances as a director for stage. He has published 6 LP albums with his own music with his bands, Atomstattion, Tvö Dónaleg Haust, Loftskeytamenn and Stórsveit Guðmundar Inga.

He played Remus in The Witcher, David Pillard in Chasing Robert Barker (UK NFA awards nomination for best male lead). He played Kristófer in Wolka by Árni Ólafur Ásgeirsson. Gunnar in All Eyes On Me and Kristofer in April Skies, both directed by Pascal Payant. 


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